Month: May 2011
Curious Katakana Words 1
The Japanese language has a smattering of quirky expressions. At first glance, their meanings can often elude us. This is especially so with Katakana words, as they often contain elements from foreign languages, as well as mixtures of slang and even current, trending terms.
Overview of the Japanese Alphabets
I figured it was probably a good idea to have an outline of the Japanese alphabets here on Gakuu for easy access. There are loads of good resources out there that talk about the basics, so this post will be brief, with a sprinkling of advice on how to learn the alphabets.
The Course of Events – 成り行き
Nariyuki (成り行き) generally means something like ‘the natural scheme of things’, but it can be a bit of a surprise the first time you come across it in a given situation. This post looks at a few examples of its usage.
Mixed Bathing in Japan 2 – 混浴
Continuing with the mixed bathing theme, this time we’re taking a look at some light-hearted surveys into couples who visited an onsen together. Read what they had to say!
Mixed Bathing in Japan 1 – 混浴
Ahh Konyoku, the delicate topic of mixed bathing. While not widespread around Japan, it’s certainly not uncommon to find onsen that allow both men and women to bathe together, and increasingly it would seem, young couples are enjoying breaks together to share a private bath at a relaxing ryokan.