Month: June 2011
How Do You Like Your Noodles?
Everybody loves a hearty bowl of Japan’s ubiquitous noodle, ramen! But did you know that you can order your noodles based on how hard and thick they are, as well as how strong the soup is?
Summer Solstice – 夏至
Interesting little word today that you’re only likely to hear once a year. 夏至 (げし) is the summer solstice – the longest day in the entire calendar year.
The Te Form Song
The Te-Form Song. What now?? A good question. This is a handy little mnemonic taught to me by my own teacher way back when I was still a beginning student of Japanese. It helped me immensely, so now I’m passing it on to you!
Curious Katakana Words 3
In the previous lessons (1, 2) we looked at foreign words, as well as onomatopoeic and mimetic expressions. This time, we’ll be examining some really interesting terms that splice two or more words together!
Curious Katakana Words 2
Last time we looked at foreign expressions that make up a portion of Curious Katakana Words. Today we explore some useful onomatopoeic words you can use to really express yourself!