Month: January 2012
Blue Ocean Dating Strategy
Red Oceans and Blue Oceans. What does it all mean exactly? I recently heard the term used to comment on the prospects of meeting girls at a club, but the term has its origins in marketing.
Hanage – Nostril Hair Notification Service
A rather bizarre yet undeniably useful little website I stumbled upon recently allows you to notify unwitting co-workers of unpleasant protruding nostril hairs. Hanage No More!
Satisfying Real Life – リア充
A recent slang term that has naturally evolved with increased use of the internet and virtual interaction. The word is a mixture of リアル and 充実 (じゅうじつ) and refers to a person who is has a rich and satisfying offline (real) life. This is meant in contrast to an online (virtual) life that revolves around…