Category: Slang
Me? Her? Fangirls! – ミーハー
Don’t look now! It’s the Me-Her girls! The what girls? Say it with me – the Me-Har girls. You’ve got it! ミーハー女子. But what does it mean?
Stylish Gal – オシャンティー
オシャンティーとはおオシャレをスタイリッシュに言った若者言葉。意味自体はお洒落と同意である。 若者言葉の中で○○な人を指す時に「○○ティー」と付ける場合がある。例えば、地元民を「ジモティー」と呼んだりする。オシャンティーもこれを活用したものであると考えられる。
Let Me Google That For You – ググれカス
Google currently holds the title of Search Engine King for most people, and it’s the go-to tool for looking most anything up. So heavy has our reliance on the search giant become, that it’s now considered something of an insult to ask a question that could easily be answered by Google Sensei.
All Kinds Of Thing – ピンキリ
All and sundry. The whole spectrum. Anything and everything. Those are all viable translations for this juicy little slang term. ピンキリ might confuse you at first though. I initially thought of remembering something (ピンとくる) and for something to have no limits (きりがない), but it’s actually used in quite a different way.
Satisfying Real Life – リア充
A recent slang term that has naturally evolved with increased use of the internet and virtual interaction. The word is a mixture of リアル and 充実 (じゅうじつ) and refers to a person who is has a rich and satisfying offline (real) life. This is meant in contrast to an online (virtual) life that revolves around…