Japanese True Love Tester Bra

A little bit racy this post, but if you were able to handle the Condom Word Play frivolities, you’ll enjoy this one. In celebration of its 10th anniversary, Japanese lingerie maker Ravijour is holding its ‘Mood Up’ campaign and has come up with a curious bra design that guarantees not to open unless the lady experiences ‘true love’. Intrigued? We were.


So how exactly does this revolutionary piece of technology work? It’s all to do with the ドキドキ sensations a woman feels when attracted to somebody or, as popular culture refers to it, ‘being in love’. ‘My heart was pounding’ or ‘I had butterflies in my stomach’ are common English expressions often used to depict this excited, nervous state of happiness.

Here’s the explanation:

このブラは、内蔵したセンサーで女性の心拍数を計測し、Bluetooth経由で専用デバイスに通信して解析。心拍の変化率などから“TRUE LOVE RATE”を算出し、これが一定値を超えると、ロックが自動解除されてホックが外れる仕組み。

このブラは、 ないぞうした センサーで じょせいの しんぱくすうを けいそくし、 Bluetoothけいゆで せんようデバイスに つうしんして ぶんせき。 しんぱくのへんかりつなどから ”TRUE LOVE RATE”を さんしゅつし、 これが いっていちを こえると、 ロックが じどうかいじょされる しくみ。

The bra contains a sensor which measures the woman’s heart rate and sends that information via Bluetooth to a special device to be analysed. The rate of change in the heart rate determines the ‘True Love Rate’ which, when exceeding the determined level, will cause the bra to automatically unlock.

When the sensor reaches the so-called ‘True Love Rate’ of heart-pounding excitement…


It pops open! Hopefully at a convenient time…


But what about other forms of excitement such as fear or nervousness that cause heart pounding similar to that of being ‘in love’? Ravijour have factored that into their calculations. The sudden surprise felt watching a horror film or an increased heart rate due to physical activity such as jogging will not trigger the bra to burst open because it fails to meet the ideal ‘True Love Rate’, as depicted in the graph below. Rest easy, ladies!


But for those who enjoy flirting or have a tendency to fall for guys easily, beware! You may find yourself making a bold move way ahead of yourself.

At the very least then, wearing a tight shirt is a must to avoid being exposed!


Here’s how one woman in the promotional video explains it:


いままで ぬがす しか なかった ブラが、 なんか ひとつ あいを たしかめる ための ものみたいな かんじ。 じょせいは いつでも しんじつの あいを もとめていると おもうので、 このブラは せかいじゅうの じょせいの みかただと おもいます。

Until now, a bra was just there to be unhooked. But now, it’s really like an instrument that can check for love. Women always seek true love, so I think this bra is really there for women all over the world.

Finally, here is the full video. Most of it is in English, but there is some good intermediate-advanced level Japanese conversation with subtitles at the end. Enjoy!

Source: Ravijour
Source: Bra, Shutterstock


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