Safety in the Snowboard Park

Last time we looked at Snowboard Safety in general, but today we have a gander at how to take care in the snowboard park. Helmets are a must. Impact (butt) shorts are a plus!


まもろう!パークを たのしむ スノーボーダーの きほん!

Respect the rules of the park!

Literally: ‘Let’s protect! The rules for enjoying the snowboard park!’ 基本 means the ‘fundamentals’ or ‘basics’, but it can also be translated to something like ‘rules’ in this case, since we’re looking at things you can do to make the park a safer place. They aren’t hard and fast laws to obey, but the implication is that respecting them will keep everybody boarding happily.


しかくに ちゅうい

Watch your blind spot

Interesting one this. As the kanji literally translate – the ‘death corner’!? This is your ‘blind spot’ or any areas not immediately visible. As the illustration shows, on a jump it would be the area immediately afterwards, so get someone to check it is clear before going.

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2 responses to “Safety in the Snowboard Park”

  1. Colten Nahrebeski Avatar
    Colten Nahrebeski

    So this was posted on March 5… Anything new coming at some point?

    1. Hey Colten. I’ll be posting a notice soon about the long absence. Incredibly sorry about the lack of updates. I’ve been focussed on covering the extraordinary earthquake and helping out with the quakebook relief efforts. Rest assured though that updates will resume as normal now that things have pretty much quietened down. Thanks for the patience.

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